When art releases life/Donatella Ferrini and her novel Sulle Gambe

by Romina Ciulli e Carole Dazzi

Susan Sontag stated in her essay On Photography (1977): “No one has ever discovered ugliness through photographs. But many, through photographs, have discovered beauty”. In fact, photographic art-fact often invites us not just to reflect, but above all to glimpse a power in the visual image capable of arousing deep emotional reactions within us. As if, suddenly, through that shot, our gaze was able to see something that goes beyond custom, pushing us further. This is what happens in the book “Sulle gambe” by Donatella Ferrini, currently on pre-order on bookabook in a crowdfunding campain with the aim of publication, in which her young protagonist changes the painful approach to the vicissitudes of his life precisely after observing a picture. Let’s talk with the writer. Read more

Who’s next?… Anna Banti

Who’s next?… Anna Banti

written by Valentina Biondini, literature expert

This time “Who’s next?” is dedicated to one of the most eclectic female talents of the Italian twentieth century, wrongly underestimated. We refer to Anna Banti, nom de plume of the versatile Lucia Lopresti, art historian, literary, theater and film critic, translator and, above all, Italian writer of the last century. And it is precisely this overlapping of artistic contexts, together with feminine and autobiographical themes, that will make her modus scrivendi original and unique for the literary landscape of the time. Read more