Who’s next?… Charlotte Salomon

by Valentina Biondini, literature expert


The column “Who’s Next?” returns to talk about a brilliant and multifaceted young woman who lived in the last century who, since the posthumous publication of her work, has never ceased to be at the center of exhibitions, books and television broadcasts. Her life was even told in a movie, “Charlotte” by director Frans Weisz in 1981. It is precisely Charlotte Salomon, a Berlin Jewish artist, author of a totally unique and innovative work that challenges the relationship between fiction and reality, as it is already evident in the title: “Life? Or theater? ”, in the original language “Leben? Oder Theater? Ein Singespiel “. Read more

Lorenzo Pace/Every form of art tells its story

by Romina Ciulli and Carole Dazzi

Bubble gum

The colour as a means of pictorial experimentations and communicative expressions. The use of atypical materials, including mirrors or sponges, that widen the traditional boundaries of the painting mode. The young italian painter Lorenzo Pace outlines in his works intimate stories, questioning about suggestive and, in return, collective, current issues. Read more

Who’s next?… Gino Rossi

Written by Valentina Biondini, literature expert

La fanciulla del fiore

Since it is not only female artists who are forgotten, “Who’s Next?” decided to write about a young male artist, whose modern approach to painting can be defined ante litteram, and his personal story has fueled the myth of the mad painter. This is Gino Rossi, a figure unjustly ignored by the artistic world in toto, but even by the young generations of painters who instead owe him so much. Read more

Nature and Sacredness: the intimist art of Francesca Romana Pinzari

by Romina Ciulli e Carole Dazzi

Hunger (2020), Branches of roses, silver cutlery and vintage napkin

The power of Nature to self-generate and dominate the human action, represents one of the main subjects dealt by Francesca Romana Pinzari in her artistic path. The artist uses a varied series of media including painting, sculpture, performance, video and installations in order to examine concepts such as the individual and collective memory, and reveal intimate and, to a certain extent, ancestral stories.    

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Who’s next?… Anna Banti

Who’s next?… Anna Banti

written by Valentina Biondini, literature expert

This time “Who’s next?” is dedicated to one of the most eclectic female talents of the Italian twentieth century, wrongly underestimated. We refer to Anna Banti, nom de plume of the versatile Lucia Lopresti, art historian, literary, theater and film critic, translator and, above all, Italian writer of the last century. And it is precisely this overlapping of artistic contexts, together with feminine and autobiographical themes, that will make her modus scrivendi original and unique for the literary landscape of the time. Read more