Elisa Zadi/The pictorial act as a search for truth and beauty

by Romina Ciulli and Carole Dazzi

Bruciare illusioni, PicNic (2023)

The portrait, and the self-portrait, are the forms with which the artist Elisa Zadi investigates the bond between man and nature. A research that ranges from painting to installation, from performance to poetry, and that through an intimate and introspective path focuses on issues related to femininity, identity, and knowledge. In her works the human figure stands out in all its frank and refined frontality, giving life to a narrative that is not only pictorial, but above all anthropological and existential. Thus emerges a spontaneous and suggestive creative act, often represented through the fragmented idea of polyptychs, where the images seem to make use of a symbolic connotation to reflect on the complexity and fleetingness of everyday reality and human relationships. Read more

Open dialogues: Cristina Barbieri

by Margaret Sgarra, contemporary art curator

Cristina Barbieri is a visual artist born in Reggio Emilia, city where she graduated as a Master of Arts in the”Goldsmithing-Metals” section, and where she obtained a specialization in Marble Sculpture. Starting from 2022 she began to be interested in bioart and biodiversity. This passion led her to undertake an investigation towards mycology, which today is a central issue of her research and artistic poetic.


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Open dialogues: IroPeinto

by Margaret Sgarra, contemporary art curator


IroPeinto, stage name of Veronica Larotonda, is a visual artist who works using different pictorial languages, such as painting on water, the Ebrù technique and oil connected to metals. The focus of her work is centered on form, which becomes something incomprehensible and elusive, at times elusive. Furthermore, the relationship with dreams is fundamental, as it proves to be a field of investigation in correlation with the unconscious. She currently lives and works in Milan. Read more

Open dialogues: Alice Padovani

by Margaret Sgarra, contemporary art curator

Mangiare la luce

Alice Padovani, after a degree in Philosophy and Visual Arts, worked for several years in contemporary theater as actress and director, developing her own path as a visual artist and performer. She has exhibited in personal, collective and museum exhibitions on a national and international level, receiving numerous awards and recognitions. Her works are part of some important private and public collections in Italy and abroad.

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Open dialogues: Paola Calcatelli

by Margaret Sgarra, contemporary art curator

Paola Calcatelli is a visual artist specialized in photography and multi-material installations with a predilection for ice and metallic materials. At the center of her research are the concepts of transformation and memory. She exhibited in many collective and personal exhibitions.


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